All Tuts is an Free Premium Blogger Theme with many features.This Theme is suitable for Tutorial and Design Blogs
- Social Bookmarking Links
- 3 Column Footer
- Widgetized Menu
Go to Design>Edit HTML and find the below codes.
<div id=”socialLinks”>
<a title=”Join us on LinkedIn!” href=”#Your Linked In URL”>Join us on LinkedIn!</a>
<a title=”Join us on Facebook!” href=”#Your Facebook URL”>Join us on Facebbook!</a>
<a title=”Follow Us on Twitter!” href=”#Your Twitter URL”>Follow Us on Twitter!</a>
<a class=’rss’ expr:href=’data:blog.homepageUrl + "feeds/posts/default"’ title=’RSS’>Subscribe to our RSS Feed!</a>
replace the default URLs
#Your Linked In URL
#Your Facebook URL
#Your Twitter URL
with your URLs.
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